necro variiatiions - @termitetartss - Aug 23, 2024

Thinking about hacking my wii... I really love hacking consoles but I am not the best at it... My homebrewed 3ds works great, but I did need a lot of help with it. I've been obsessed with this game, No More Heroes, but haven't bought it yet.. After doing some digging found a download for it. I could get it on steam, but it would be kinda cool to play it on the wii and not have to pay 20 dollars for it.

necro variiatiions - @termitetartss - Aug 13, 2024

Some people have been complimenting my goreshit shirt in real life which is super nice... I wish I could get the tomboyish love for soda pop and apple sweets shirt but it's out of stock and not to sure if it'll be back in stock any time soon, and don't wanna just get Redbubble shit unless it's for pins on my ita bag. My favorite song is always changing but right now it's either scrambled eggz0rhax or loreloli. I also like pixel rapist and gabberena a lot. Beside goreshit i also have been listening to a lot of lolishit and psycho filth records.. I love lolicore and speedcore

necro variiatiions - @termitetartss - Aug 13, 2024

I want to make soyjak cookies for someone special. I am adding wojack cookie cutters to my wishlist when I am home.

necro variiatiions - @termitetartss - Aug 13, 2024

I've decided to add a wishlist page for myself. I'll mostly be putting figures and posters on it like I've previously talked about on here. When I make some money I will try to at least get something to make my room look nice.. Especially now that I'm getting my new floorboards an bed. I'd really love to have someone over someday. I've been thinking about getting a new ita bag as well. My one now is fine, but it's a little scuffed because I've had it for a year. There is this Kangel ita bag that I have my eye on right now..

necro variiatiions - @termitetartss - Aug 6, 2024

Trying to 100 precent Needy Girl Overdose

necro variiatiions - @termitetartss - Jul 29, 2024

So tired of pretending I don't like riddlebat I should do a riddlebat fic dump

necro variiatiions - @termitetartss - Jul 28, 2024

I go back to school tommarow and got really good classes this year. I have AP psychology, game design, AND animation? We are UP.

necro variiatiions - @termitetartss - Jul 28, 2024

Thinking about spending my birthday money on decorating my room but my friends birthday is also coming up. I already have her gift, but it just feels so lackluster. I always wish I could do more for her. Just sucks sometimes when I go into the homes of my friends, and see the homes of people I follow online. They're pakced full of things they actually enjoy. I wish I had figures, posters, maybe a keyboard mat. Something cool. Fuck this stupid baka trailer park life

necro variiatiions - @termitetartss - Jul 27, 2024

Current mood

necro variiatiions - @termitetartss - Jul 22, 2024

The influx of 4chan larpers on tiktok of late is insane I love lottie but I blame her for this. The canihavepromo affect.