What is Toromi Moe?

Toromi moe is the virtual home of Joey (sousyunkanon online) AKA me, the webmaster! I am very happy to have visitors, as it's my biggest personal passion. This website is used to compile all the things I like into one space… I journal about my life, interests, post my art, web browser games, stuff like that! I first became interested in coding my freshman year of high school. I'd teach myself basic python to make visual novel games and mess around with HTML/CSS templates till I eventually understood bits and pieces of what I was doing and created this! Do not be afraid to let your presence be known, leave any messages in my chatbox and guestbook! ☆ヾ(*´・∀・)ノヾ(・∀・`*)ノ☆

playing: embodiment of scarlet devil, phantasmagoria of flower view
eating: n/a
drinking: zero sugar white monster
reading: homestuck act 5
listening too: nabokov's slumber party, tsundere violence, rebzyyx
doing: smoking camel w/ my best friend ♡
The webmaster is...

You are vistor number...
About Me
My name is Joey. I’m a 17 year old girl and a senior in high school! I live on this website... but in the real world I live in a trailer park. I spend most of my time programming visual novels and drawing. My art style is heavily inspired by Windows XP era visual novel CGs and anime desktop wallpapers. You can learn more here!